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Repo Settings

To implement guardrails in branches for this project we used some native GitHub Functionality to meet the requirements of the bootcamp.


This project has two rulesets that have been created:

  1. dev
  2. prod


This ruleset applies to the dev branch, meaning specific criteria has to be completed before anything can be merged into it. These are:

  1. Require a pull request before merging
  2. Require status checks to pass

Pull Request before Merging

Before anything can be pushed into dev it MUST come from a pull request. Additionally, the pull request has to be approved by at least one approver. This approver must come from the Code Owners (this is defined in .github/CODEOWNERS).

Picture showing PR before merge configuration

Require status checks to pass

In addition to the above, status checks need to pass before it's possible to merge into dev. These checks are basically all the workflows I've created and documented on this site.

Picture showing status checks

Only once both of the above are met, is it possible for a pull request to be merged into dev


Now prod, or main, implements exactly the same protections as dev above, with one addition:

  1. Require deployments to succeed

Require Deployments to Succeed

tofu apply only runs in the context of a GitHub Environment. Only if a successful deployment into the dev GitHub Environment - meaning a successful tofu apply in dev, is it possible for a prod or main deployment.

To be clear, it uses the SAME protections as dev in that a PR must be made before merging AND status checks need to pass. It's just this one addition is also added for prod.

GitHub Environments

This repository also implements GitHub Environments, and these are used in this project to ensure human intervention is required before a tofu apply or tofu destroy is allowed to run. We specify certain reviewers that are allowed to approve a workflow to run in dev and prod GitHub environments. In addition, only the related branch is allowed to deploy into that environment. So for the prod GitHub Environment that is main and for the dev GitHub Environment that is the dev branch.

You can see a screenshot of how this is implemented in prod but it's the same for dev - just obviously only allowing the dev branch.

GitHub Env Settings